Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Plate

This is how I plan my meals. I think of dishes.

Soup and salad get prepared for lunch. Leftovers carry forward to dinner. Sauce/Stew and main get prepared for dinner. Cooking is spaced out, and dinner has four dishes.

This is also the order dishes are served at Dr. McDougall’s 10-Day Program. Starting with less calorie dense dishes: salads and soups, ending with more calorie dense dishes: sauces/stews and staple starches.

- Salad (raw): typically green & yellow vegetables, uncooked, at 100-300 calories per pound. Example: cucumber, tomato and onion.
- Soup: typically starches with green & yellow vegetables, slow cooked, at 500 calories per pound and 100-300 calories per pound. Example: onions, green peas and potato.
- Sauce/Stew: typically starch with green & yellow vegetables, slow cooked, at 500 calories per pound and 100-300 calories per pound. Example: marinara sauce (onions, squash, tomatoes).
- Main: typically a staple starch, at 500 calories per pound. Example: potato dumplings (potato), brown rice (rice).

1 comment:

  1. really like your blog, can't believe I just now found it via your post on the mcdougall forums. We are really into soups now and will start posting some on
